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15 September 2023

Muting Coffee: A Collaborative Success Story in Merauke Regency


Muting Coffee, a source of pride for the entire Merauke Regency community, hails from the Muting District. This exceptional coffee has garnered consecutive wins at the prestigious J-Expo in Jakarta for the past two years (2022 and 2023). Notably, Muting Coffee even impressed high-ranking state officials who sampled it at Expo 2023. Its reputation has even reached as far as Russia.

Kampung Seed Agung is the heartland of Muting Coffee. Here, dedicated coffee farmers cultivate high-quality coffee beans. Through a collaborative Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, PT. Agriprima Cipta Persada is empowering these farmers. This partnership focuses on:

  • Recultivating Coffee Beans
  • Enhanced Production and Packaging
  • Market Expansion and Promotion
  • Promoting Local Tourism

PT. Agriprima Cipta Persada, a large-scale palm oil company, demonstrates its commitment to the community through this CSR program. Their efforts extend beyond their core business activities. They actively collaborate with the Merauke Regency Investment and One-Stop Service (DPMPTSP) Office, which recently conducted a monitoring visit. This visit, led by the Acting Head of the Office, Mrs. Marwiah Ali Mahmud, ST.,M.Si, aimed to gather data on investment activities, CSR initiatives, and challenges faced by businesses in the region.

The visit also highlighted PT. Agriprima Cipta Persada's commitment to supporting local Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). They are promoting the "BerTeman" application, developed by the DPMPTSP Office, specifically designed to assist UMKM actors in Muting District.

Furthermore, Mrs. Marwiah Ali Mahmud and representatives from PT. Agriprima Cipta Persada met directly with coffee farmers in Kampung Seed Agung. This meeting fostered open communication and collaboration. In response to farmer requests, PT. Agriprima Cipta Persada is developing packaging featuring the "Seed Agung Brand Coffee" label.

The collaborative efforts of PT. Agriprima Cipta Persada, the Merauke Regency Government, and the dedicated coffee farmers of Kampung Seed Agung have yielded impressive results. Their participation in the 2022 UMKM Exhibition, held by the Merauke Regency Trade Office, showcased Muting Coffee to a wider audience. Following a productive meeting on September 7th, 2023, at the Seed Agung Village Hall, a team from the DPMPTSP Office and PT. Agriprima Cipta Persada visited coffee farms to gain firsthand insights and explore future support initiatives.

The future of Muting Coffee is bright, brimming with potential for further growth and global recognition. This collaborative approach serves as a model for empowering local communities and preserving Indonesia's rich agricultural heritage.


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